2. MIG Meeting 09-10.04.2014

V globále možnos skonštatovať, že v rámci procesu INSPIRE MIG boli iniciované práce na niektorých aktivitách (MIWP-3,4,5,16). Pracovné stretnutie sa venovalo predovšetkým nasledovným témam: - Minutes of the previous meeting - Division of roles between MIG and INSPIRE Committee - SOS-based download service - MIG working methods - Update on on-going MIG actions - MIWP-3: Access control - MIWP-4: RDF+PIDs - MIWP-6: Registers - MIWP-11/12/18: GML-related actions - MIWP-16: Monitoring and reporting - MIWP-19: Explore and improvement on the situation of controlled vocabularies in the framework of INSPIRE - MIWP-5: Validation and conformity testing - Monitoring of harvesting results of the INSPIRE geoportal - MIWP-17: Data and service sharing & licencing models - Harvesting INSPIRE metadata to the pan-European Open Data Portal - Report from break-out groups - MIWP-17: Data and service sharing & licencing models - Harvesting INSPIRE metadata to the pan-European Open Data Portal - Thematic clusters, pilots and updates of data specifications TG - MIWP-8: Update of Discovery Service MS MD schemas and tools - INSPIRE Communication - AOB - Wrap-up and next steps
Podrobnejší záznam zo stretnutia je k dispozícii prostredníctvom webstránok [MIG](https://ies-svn.jrc.ec.europa.eu/projects/mig-inspire/wiki/2nd_MIG_physical_meeting_2014-04-09-10_Arona_Italy).