{# {% extends template is defined and template is not null ? [template, '@ScoreCms/Page/Public/baseLayout.html.twig'] : '@ScoreCms/Page/Public/baseLayout.html.twig' %} #}
{% extends cms_template() %}
{% import "@ScoreBase/Default/macros.html.twig" as m %}
{% set reactFiles = cms_react_apps(page.pageBlocks|map(pb => pb.block.type)) %}
{% macro getCenterClassNames(p) %}{{
p.hasLeftBar and p.hasRightBar
? "govuk-grid-column-full govuk-grid-column-one-half-from-desktop"
: p.hasLeftBar or p.hasRightBar
? "govuk-grid-column-full govuk-grid-column-three-quarters-from-desktop"
: "govuk-grid-column-full"
}}{% endmacro %}
{% block title %}{{page.title}} | {{parent()}} {% endblock %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{{ m.filterCss(reactFiles) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{{ m.filterJs(reactFiles) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer_logo %}
{{ 'idsk-footer-logo' | cms_text | raw }}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<div class="container{{ page_container_fluid is defined and page_container_fluid ? "-fluid" }} cms_seo_{{ page.seoId | replace({'/': "_"}) }}"> {# you can set in fwig globals #}
<div class="row govuk-grid-row">
<div class="col-md-12 govuk-grid-column-full">
{% if not (hide_pages_heading is defined and hide_pages_heading) %} {# you can set in fwig globals #}
<h1 class="govuk-heading-xl">{{ page.name }}</h1>
{% endif %}
{% if page.seoId == 'homepage' and not (hide_homepage_intro_block is defined and hide_homepage_intro_block) %} {# you can set in fwig globals #}
{{ include('@ScoreCms/Public/idsk/_intro_block.html.twig') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="{{page.layout}} row govuk-grid-row">
{% if page.hasLeftBar %}
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-3 govuk-grid-column-full govuk-grid-column-one-quarter-from-desktop">
{% for pageBlock in page.pageBlocks %}
{% if 'left' == pageBlock.place %}
{# <h2>{{ pageBlock.block.name }}</h2> #}
{{ include('@ScoreCms/Public/default/_block.html.twig',{'pageBlock': pageBlock}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="col {{ _self.getCenterClassNames(page) }}">
{% for pageBlock in page.pageBlocks %} {# sections for wavex #}
{% if 'center' == pageBlock.place %}
<div id="cms-block-{{ pageBlock.block.id }}" class="{{ pageBlock.block.paramsArr.nav is defined and pageBlock.block.paramsArr.nav ? "section "}} cms-block-c-{{ pageBlock.block.id }}">
{% if 'pageContent' == pageBlock.block.type %}
{{ page.content|raw }}
{% else %}
{# <h2>{{ pageBlock.block.name }}</h2>#}
{{ include('@ScoreCms/Public/default/_block.html.twig',{'pageBlock': pageBlock}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if page.hasRightBar %}
<div class="col-md-12 col-lg-3 govuk-grid-column-full govuk-grid-column-one-quarter-from-desktop">
{% for pageBlock in page.pageBlocks %}
{% if 'right' == pageBlock.place %}
{# <h2>{{ pageBlock.block.name }}</h2>#}
{{ include('@ScoreCms/Public/default/_block.html.twig',{'pageBlock': pageBlock}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}